The table below shows what InterLink DX controls are used by FS One and how these controls are ultimately remapped.
Joystick Gremlin is used to create the remapping.
If you have already installed vJoy, installed Joystick Gremlin, and made
a virtual joystick, then skip the block below and start with
calibrating your controller.
Install vJoy
This makes a virtual joystick for FS One (or for anything else).
Unplug all USB gamepads, joysticks, TacCon, and other “R/C” controllers.
Download and run vJoySetup.exe.
This downloads from github.
You set up vJoy (image below) one time. This completes your vJoy Device setup.
vJoyConf configuring a virtual joystick with 8 axes, 0 buttons, and 0 hat switches.
This is vJoy Device #1 indicated by the light green tab labeled “1”.¶
Remaining Instructions
The remainder of these instructions include using Joystick Gremlin
to remap your controller inputs to vJoy.
JG’s top row has tabs for USB controllers, your keyboard, and the vJoyDevice#1 that you created. Generally, the USB controllers are the
inputs to the output that is the virtual joystick vJoyDevice#1
which is used by FS One. The keyboard appears, but it will not
be used here. Other USB controllers will appear if you have others
plugged into your computer. Disconnect any extraneous USB controllers
for this setup.
Instead of manually doing all the steps on the rest of this page, you
may instead take a shortcut.
Right click to download and save the JG Profile (file) interlink-dx.xml to your computer.
From JG’s menu, choose File->LoadProfile and choose that file.
When you open it, JG may ask you “The profile has been modified. Do you want to save your
changes?” You can click “discard”, and what you were doing
prior will not be saved.
Now from the JG menu, click on Actions , then SwapDevices . In the popup, click on the InterLinkDX, and it will ask:
“Please press the desired …”. Just move, say, the elevator stick
(anything responsive) on the InterLink DX. The prompt will close.
Then click X to close the
Swap Devices popup. Now move the sticks around and the
remapping functions in the downloaded Profile will appear on the right side panel.
It is suggested that you step through remapping instructions below
(follow along)
to understand how the remapping works. Also,
you will see how the InterLink DX controller inputs
are used by FS One (via vJoy axes).
Save the Profile. It will save to the location where
you loaded it. But if you select File->SaveProfileAs (recommended),
then it will save it to your local files location (Owner/joystick gremlin) or a location you choose.
When you finish this guide, return back to the last part of
Getting Started: Part I
to continue your setup and run FS One.
When loading in a new Profile, it is a known that Joystick Gremlin
will discard the Action Description names, e.g. “Ailerons”, and so
on. The names are not necessary. But you can follow along below and
add back in the names and save your Profile.
To use the controller, follow these steps:
In Joystick Gremlin, click the gamepad icon to change it from black to green so that Joystick Gremlin
is Activated. Use JG’s
Tools->InputViewer to confirm that your inputs are going to the vJoy Device joystick
as you expect.
When running FS One, select the vJoy Device virtual joystick that you created.
Do not select the InterLinkDX.
Before running FS One, it is recommended that you run the Windows Game Controller gadget
to see that vJoy Device is indeed active, responding to your controller inputs.
Each section below remaps a single control (or controls) to one axis for FS One, starting with Ailerons.
First, you move a control to select an input.
It will gray highlight on the left side of JG’s main window.
Then you will define where that control is mapped using the right side of JG main window.
Then you can test each axis mapping with the JG-viewer window to see that it is correct.
If you are using the downloaded setup above, you do not need to carryout these steps below.
To create your remapping to the standard axes order for FS One,
these steps are performed in JG’s main window.
To start, the JG gamepad icon should be black (not green).
If it is green, click on it.
In JG’s main window, click on the tab: InterLinkDX .
The left side of the window lists the InterLink’s axes and buttons.
The last moved axis or button will be highlighted gray.
The right side shows what each axis and button does (what will define the remapping).
This right side is initially blank.
The left side’s labels for the axes (e.g., X Axis, and so on) are
the Windows terminology for joystick axes and buttons and not meaningful to FS One.
Yet, the left side names will be used in the instructions here.
Map the Aileron Stick to vJoy Axis 8
First you may need to move the sticks around to ‘wake-up’ the main
JG window. It can go into a “sleep” mode.
Again, the last moved axis or button should highlight gray as you move each control input.
Move the aileron stick (conventionally, for Mode 2, the right stick, horizontally).
In JG, the left side’s highlight jumps to XRotation .
On the right side, into Action Description type “Ailerons”.
On the right side, next to the first dropdown (it will have Remap selected), click Add .
Inside the gray Remap box, change the lower dropdown from XAxis to Dial (vJoy Axis 8).
See image below. Click to enlarge.
Test your mapping:
At top left, click the JG gamepad icon (“Activate”) to change it from black to green.
Move the aileron stick.
Now JG-viewer’s vJoy Axis 8 reacts to that movement.
Your first axis remapping is complete.
Click the JG gamepad icon to make it black again.
Map the Elevator Stick to vJoy Axis 7
Move the elevator stick.
The left side’s highlight jumps to YRotation .
On the right side, into Action Description type “Elevator”.
On the right side, next to Remap , click Add .
Inside the gray Remap box, change the lower dropdown to Slider (vJoy Axis 7).
Below the Remap box, change the dropdown Remap to ResponseCurve . Click Add .
Within the Response Curve box, click on Invert to reverse the axis.
See image below. Click to enlarge.
Click the JG gamepad icon green.
Move the elevator stick.
Now JG-viewer’s vJoy Axis 7 reacts to that movement.
Click the JG gamepad icon to make it black again.
This screen shot below also shows results of the remaining instructions. Click for full size image.
Map the Rudder Stick to vJoy Axis 6
Move the rudder stick.
The left side’s highlight jumps to XAxis .
On the right side, into Action Description type “Rudder”.
On the right side, next to Remap, click Add .
Inside the gray Remap box, change the lower dropdown to ZRotation (vJoy Axis 6).
Below the Remap box, change the dropdown Remap to ResponseCurve . Click Add .
Within the Response Curve box, click on Invert to reverse the axis.
Map the Throttle Stick to vJoy Axis 5
Move the throttle stick.
The left side’s highlight jumps to YAxis .
On the right side, into Action Description type “Throttle”.
On the right side, next to Remap , click Add .
Inside the gray Remap box, change the lower dropdown to YRotation (vJoy Axis 5).
Below the Remap box, change the dropdown Remap to ResponseCurve . Click Add .
Within the Response Curve box, click on Invert to reverse the axis.
Map the Flap Knob to vJoy Axis 3
Move the knob.
The left side’s highlight jumps to Dial .
On the right side, into Action Description type “Flaps”.
On the right side, next to Remap , click Add .
Inside the gray Remap box, change the lower dropdown to ZAxis (vJoy Axis 3).
When the flap knob is turned fully CCW, the flaps will be retracted.
Save Your Work
From the menu, File->SaveProfileAs and give it a name, e.g. My-InterLink-DX.xml .
After you have saved it once, you can File->SaveProfile at any time, of course.
Active and Test
When the JG gamepad icon is green, JG-viewer’s vJoy bar graphs should show five axes (8, 7, 6, 5, and 3)
reacting to the sticks and flap knob on the InterLink.
Map the InterLink’s Switches and Buttons to vJoy Axes¶
These steps are in JG’s main window.
Map the Gear Switch to vJoy Axis 4
If the JG gamepad icon is green (“Activated”), click it to make it black.
Move the top left 2-position shoulder switch. This switch is labeled “A”.
In JG, the left side’s highlight jumps to Button1 .
(Again, the JG gamepad icon must be black to select left side items.)
On the right side, into Action Description type “Gear”.
On the right side, change the dropdown from Remap to Macro . Click Add .
Inside the newly added gray Macro box:
In the column of icons, click the top icon.
Inside the right side’s Action Settings do the following:
Change the dropdown from Pause to vJoy .
Below the new dropdown vJoyDevice1 , change the blank dropdown to XRotation (vJoy Axis 4).
Leave the Absolute button checked, not the Relative one.
Arrow up to the value: 1.000 .
At right are two sideways tabs, Action and Condition. Click on Condition .
Change the Apply conditions to dropdown to Container .
At right, change the dropdown from KeyboardCondition to ActionCondition . Click Add .
In the new Action Condition box, leave the dropdown as Pressed .
Back to the main top level (still on right side panel), the dropdown should still read as Macro . Click Add to add another macro.
A new Macro box appears below the first Macro box. Scroll down.
Use the mouse to slide down to the second Macro.
Inside the second Macro:
In the column of icons, click the top icon.
Inside the right side’s Action Settings do the following:
Change the dropdown from Pause to vJoy .
Below the new dropdown vJoyDevice1 , change the blank dropdown to XRotation (vJoy Axis 4).
Leave the Absolute button checked, not the Relative one.
Arrow down to the value: -1.000 .
At right, click on the sideways tab Condition .
Change the Apply conditions to dropdown to Container .
At right, change the dropdown from KeyboardCondition to ActionCondition . Click Add .
In the new Action Condition box, change the dropdown from Pressed to Released .
When the gear switch is pulled forward (toward you), the gear will retract.
Map the Flight Modes Switch to vJoy Axis 1
Move the top right 3-position shoulder switch back and forth a few times.
This switch is labeled “G”. Push the switch away to position “0”.
In JG, the left side’s highlight jumps to Button11 .
If it is not Button11, move the switch some more until when pushed away
Button11 is highlighted on the left side.
On the right side, into Action Description type “Flight Modes”.
On the right side, change the dropdown from Remap to Macro . Click Add .
Inside the newly added gray Macro box:
In the column of icons, click the top icon.
Inside the right side’s Action Settings do the following:
Change the dropdown from Pause to vJoy .
Below the new dropdown vJoyDevice1 , change the blank dropdown to XAxis (vJoy Axis 1).
Leave the Absolute button checked, not the Relative one.
Arrow up to the value: 1.000 .
At right, click on the sideways tab Condition .
Change the Apply conditions to dropdown to Container .
At right, change the dropdown from KeyboardCondition to ActionCondition . Click Add .
In the new Action Condition box, leave the dropdown as Pressed .
Back to the main top level (still on right side panel), the dropdown should still read as Macro . Click Add to add another macro.
A new Macro box appears below the first Macro box. Scroll down.
Inside the second Macro:
In the column of icons, click the top icon.
Inside the right side’s Action Settings do the following:
Change the dropdown from Pause to vJoy .
Below the new dropdown vJoyDevice1 , change the blank dropdown to XAxis (vJoy Axis 1).
Leave the Absolute button checked, not the Relative one.
Leave the value as: 0.000 .
At right, click on the sideways tab Condition .
Change the Apply conditions to dropdown to Container .
At right, change the dropdown from KeyboardCondition to ActionCondition . Click Add .
In the new Action Condition box, change the dropdown from Pressed to Released .
Move the same top right 3-position shoulder switch (“G”) forward. This is switch position “2”.|br|
The left side’s highlight jumps to Button10 .
If it is not Button10, move the switch some more until when pulled forward
Button10 is highlighted on the left side.
On the right side, into Action Description type “Flight Modes”.
On the right side, change the dropdown from Remap to Macro . Click Add .
Inside the newly added gray Macro box:
In the column of icons, click the top icon.
Inside the right side’s Action Settings do the following:
Change the dropdown from Pause to vJoy .
Below the new dropdown vJoyDevice1 , change the blank dropdown to XAxis (vJoy Axis 1).
Leave the Absolute button checked, not the Relative one.
Arrow down to the value: -1.000 .
At right, click on the sideways tab Condition .
Change the Apply conditions to dropdown to Container .
At right, change the dropdown from KeyboardCondition to ActionCondition . Click Add .
In the new Action Condition box, leave the dropdown as Pressed .
Back to the main top level (still on right side panel), the dropdown should still read as Macro . Click Add to add another macro.
A new Macro box appears below the first Macro box. Scroll down.
Inside the second Macro:
In the column of icons, click the top icon.
Inside the right side’s Action Settings do the following:
Change the dropdown from Pause to vJoy .
Below the new dropdown vJoyDevice1 , change the blank dropdown to XAxis (vJoy Axis 1).
Leave the Absolute button checked, not the Relative one.
Leave the value as: 0.000 .
At right, click on the sideways tab Condition .
Change the Apply conditions to dropdown to Container .
At right, change the dropdown from KeyboardCondition to ActionCondition . Click Add .
In the new Action Condition box, change the dropdown from Pressed to Released .
When the flight mode switch is pulled forward (toward you), it will be
the “low” rates flight mode
(and pushed away, “high” rates).
the specific descriptor when running FS One does depend on the
airplane in FS one.
Map the Reset-In-Place Button to vJoy Axis 2 (Part I)
Tap the top left shoulder button, which is labeled “I” on the InterLink DX.
The left side’s highlight jumps to Button13 .
On the right side, into Action Description type “Reset-In-Place”.
On the right side, change the dropdown from Remap to Macro . Click Add .
Inside the newly added gray Macro box:
In the column of icons, click the top icon.
Inside the right side’s Action Settings do the following:
Change the dropdown from Pause to vJoy .
Below the new dropdown vJoyDevice1 , change the blank dropdown to YAxis (vJoy Axis 2).
Leave the Absolute button checked, not the Relative one.
Arrow down to the value: -1.000 .
At right, click on the sideways tab Condition .
Change the Apply conditions to dropdown to Container .
At right, change the dropdown to from KeyboardCondition to ActionCondition . Click Add .
In the new Action Condition box, leave the dropdown as Pressed .
Back to the main top level (still on right side panel), the dropdown should still read as Macro . Click Add to add another macro.
A new Macro box appears below the first Macro box. Scroll down.
Inside the second Macro:
In the column of icons, click the top icon.
Inside the right side’s Action Settings do the following:
Change the dropdown from Pause to vJoy .
Below the new dropdown vJoyDevice1 , change the blank dropdown to YAxis (vJoy Axis 2).
Leave the Absolute button checked, not the Relative one.
Leave the value as: 0.000 .
At right, click on the sideways tab Condition .
Change the Apply conditions to dropdown to Container .
At right, change the dropdown from KeyboardCondition to ActionCondition . Click Add .
In the new Action Condition box, change the dropdown from Pressed to Released .
Map the Reset-To-Home Button to vJoy Axis 2 (Part II)
Tap the bottom left button with the red “RESET” label.
The left side’s highlight jumps to Button14 .
On the right side, into Action Description type “Reset-To-Home”.
On the right side, change the dropdown from Remap to Macro . Click Add .
Inside the newly added gray Macro box:
In the column of icons, click the top icon.
Inside the right side’s Action Settings do the following:
Change the dropdown from Pause to vJoy .
Below the new dropdown vJoyDevice1 , change the blank dropdown to YAxis (vJoy Axis 2).
Leave the Absolute button checked, not the Relative one.
Arrow up to the value: 1.000 .
At right, click on the sideways tab Condition .
Change the Apply conditions to dropdown to Container .
At right, change the dropdown from KeyboardCondition to ActionCondition . Click Add .
In the new Action Condition box, leave the dropdown as Pressed .
Back to the main top level (still on right side panel), the dropdown should still read as Macro . Click Add to add another macro.
A new Macro box appears below the first Macro box. Scroll down.
Inside the second Macro:
In the column of icons, click the top icon.
Inside the right side’s Action Settings do the following:
Change the dropdown from Pause to vJoy .
Below the new dropdown vJoyDevice1 , change the blank dropdown to YAxis (vJoy Axis 2).
Leave the Absolute button checked, not the Relative one.
Leave the value as: 0.000 .
At right, click on the sideways tab Condition .
Change the Apply conditions to dropdown to Container .
At right, change the dropdown from KeyboardCondition to ActionCondition . Click Add .
In the new Action Condition box, change the dropdown from Pressed to Released .
Re-Save Your Work
Save your work.
Activate and Test
When the JG gamepad icon is green, JG-viewer’s vJoy bar graphs should
show axes 4 (Gear), 2 (Resets), and 1 (Flight Modes)
reacting to the selected switches and buttons on the InterLink DX.
Finally, your controller inputs should match the standard axes order
below which also shows the axis directions (via showing the result of
full stick, knob, and switch throws in the specific directions).
The mapping order, generally, was discussed here.
In this diagram, the “Axis 1” for vJoy is “1. Flight Modes” (“FM”) for FS One, etc.
When you finish this guide, return back to the last part of Getting Started: Part I to continue your
setup and run FS One.
Click image to enlarge.
Standard axes order in FS One with sliders at full deflections for the controls indicated.